She didn’t want to show me her cock. I had to ask Donna really nicely. Please girl, can I see your worm? Donna is such a hot and shy little black girl. Her shemale ways have enlightened my interest in her panties. I noticed her bikini top was hot and tasty. Hot pink and I knew the panties had to be. I thought they were bikini bottoms until she took off her tight jeans and I saw that they were not in fact. Yes, I am very observant.
I noticed such a fine bulge in her bottoms. Then I asked her to turn around. When she did I felt my cock getting a little hard because of that fat booty. Okay it’s not the fattest but when she bends over and you have your little one inch clit inside the ass looks really big. What really tripped me out was that was her real hair. You can see more pretty ladies and you know the place here. I told her to put her jeans back on and pull out her cock through the zipper, Jose was going to suck it for her